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    Sunday Bulletin CLICK HERE

    This bulletin includes the Weekly Announcements at the end.

    Watch Sunday's Worship live on YouTube CLICK HERE


    You are invited to join us for worship on Sunday.  We hope you will find the people of Christ the Servant to be genuinely warm and authentically welcoming. 

    Pastor Karen would enjoy a chance to get to know you, especially if you are new to the community and/or looking for a church to call home. Please feel free to email or call the office if you have any questions or if there is anything Pastor Karen can do for you, or your family.

    Please know you are always absolutely welcome to join us for worship anytime. Our services are at 9:30am on Sundays. We celebrate Holy Communion each week and children are always welcome to participate in every part of worship, as they are most comfortable, including and especially Holy Communion. 


    We gather for worship to be fed by the Living Christ in Water, Wine, Wheat, and Word. We seek to grow in our faith and discipleship. And we are privileged to have God give our lives meaning and purpose as forgiven people sent into the world to serve strangers and friends alike.

    We are a family of broken people seeking wholeness and purpose that we can't find anywhere other than the Table of Grace. Stop by sometime; taste and see that God is not through with you yet.

Worship Protocols

All are welcome at Christ the Servant and we want to ensure a safe, sacred, and

comfortable experience for everyone who chooses to worship with us.


Sharing the Peace: People are encouraged to share and receive the peace in any manner they feel comfortable.

Communion: Communion will be offered to all regardless of age or faith tradition and it will be offered at the rail. The pastor and worship assistant will hand out the communion wafers, which are gluten free, and the communion assistants will hold a tray of communion cups (red liquid is wine and the white liquid is grape juice), so each participant can take the cup of their choice. The pastor, worship assistant, and communion assistants will share the words of promise with anyone who comes forward. If anyone would prefer a blessing, their arms should be crossed in front of their chest. After participating in Communion please discard the empty cup in the basket, located at each side aisle, as you return to your seat.


Offering: The offering will take place up front during the communion process. Members will be encouraged to bring their offering up to the plate when coming up to take communion.


We Care Welcome Books:  Members and visitors are asked to sign the We Care Welcome books and pass them along to their neighbors.  Feel free to make introductions during the process. 


Children's Activity Bags: If your little ones are looking for something to keep their minds and hands busy during worship there are crayons, coloring books, & notepads in the cloth bags hanging on the small coat rack just outside the Sanctuary doors. Help yourself - you can return the bags following worship.


Nursery: We love to have children with us in worship and their sounds and voices are to be celebrated.  We also realize that sometimes the freedom to play is needed and we have a nursery for just those times.  Our nursery is unstaffed, but parents may access it any time, while supervising their child/children.  The nursery is located down the hallway to the left of the coat closet, the 3rd door on the left - or ask one of our ushers to direct you.


If you have any questions please contact us by phone or email

office@christtheservant.org - 262-542-7100

Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, ELCA

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